HOME-American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP)


The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was signed into law on March 11, 2021, and included funding for a range of programs to help address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including $5 billion for emergency housing vouchers to provide housing, services, and shelter to vulnerable populations. Harris County, Texas, received $16,747,366 in Home Investment Partnerships Grant – American Rescue Plan (HOME-ARP) funds, which are specifically allocated for affordable housing and services for homeless individuals, those at risk of homelessness, and those fleeing domestic violence. These funds are intended to help provide safe and stable housing options for those who may be struggling due to the pandemic or other economic hardships. HOME-ARP funds must be spent by September 2030.


HOME-ARP funds can be used for the following eligible activities:

  • Supportive services: This includes services that help individuals experiencing homelessness or housing instability to access and maintain housing, such as case management, mental health and substance abuse treatment, job training and placement, legal services, and transportation assistance.
  • Non-congregate shelters: These are alternative housing options that allow individuals to practice social distancing and reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Examples include hotel/motel rooms, trailers, and tiny homes.
  • Rental assistance: This can be used to help households pay for rent, utilities, and other housing-related expenses. The funds can be used to cover arrears (back rent) as well as future rent payments.
  • Affordable housing: This can include the development, rehabilitation, or preservation of affordable housing units. The funds can be used to cover costs such as acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, and soft costs like architecture and engineering fees.
  • Non-profit operations: This can include providing financial support to non-profit organizations that are providing services to individuals experiencing homelessness or housing instability, such as shelters, food banks, and other social service providers.
  • Non-profit capacity building: This may include staff training, board development, strategic planning, fundraising, and other activities that enhance the organization’s ability to achieve its objectives.


HOME-ARP funds must be used to primarily benefit individuals or families from the following “qualifying populations:”

  • Homeless persons: These are individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Homeless people may live on the streets, in cars, in shelters, or in other places not meant for human habitation.
  • Those at risk of homelessness: These are individuals or families who are currently housed but are at risk of losing their housing due to financial or other circumstances. This can include those who are facing eviction, those who have lost their jobs, or those who are living in substandard housing.
  • Families requiring housing assistance: This refers to families who require housing assistance due to financial constraints, such as low-income or high housing costs. This can include rental assistance, affordable housing programs, or other forms of support to help families obtain safe and stable housing.
  • Those requiring supportive services: These are individuals or families who require support services to address issues related to homelessness or housing instability. This can include mental health and substance abuse treatment, job training and employment assistance, childcare services, and other supportive services.


Harris County was committed to gathering community feedback to ensure that the allocated funds were used effectively. To accomplish this, the program engaged in community outreach efforts through various channels, such as conducting surveys, organizing stakeholder meetings, and hosting public hearings.

The community outreach and engagement process for the HOME-ARP grant provided multiple opportunities for consultation, including the creation of a summary webpage, two online surveys in English and Spanish, stakeholder and focus group meetings, a 15-day comment period of the Draft Harris County HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, and two public hearings to intake feedback and input on the plan.

These outreach efforts allowed the program to receive valuable feedback from different segments of the community, which helped identify priorities for activities and funding. The program documented and addressed public comments and responses in the DRAFT HOME-ARP Allocation Plan to ensure transparency and accountability in the decision-making process. The program’s commitment to community engagement and feedback ensures that the allocated funds are utilized effectively to benefit the community’s most vulnerable populations.


Harris County received 135 responses through the surveys, which were conducted from January 25, 2022, through February 25, 2022. The program greatly appreciated the community’s participation and valued their input. The survey results helped identify priorities for activities and funding, indicating a need for supportive services and rental assistance to address housing instability and prevent homelessness.

The survey responses can be found in the appendix of the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, which provides transparency and accountability in the decision-making process.


The Harris County HOME-ARP program is dedicated to utilizing community feedback to ensure the effective use of allocated funds. The program engaged in various community outreach efforts, such as surveys, stakeholder meetings, and public hearings, to receive input from different segments of the community. The feedback obtained from these efforts helped identify priorities for activities and funding and allowed the program to ensure that the allocated funds benefit the most vulnerable populations in the community.

The stakeholder meeting was held virtually on February 3, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., and was attended by over 40 participants from 17 organizations. During this meeting, the organizations discussed gaps and barriers to providing services and provided recommendations for funding with the HOME-ARP grant funds.

The Harris County HOME-ARP program appreciated the input and participation of the community and will continue to seek feedback and engagement throughout the decision-making process. The program’s commitment to community engagement and feedback ensures that the allocated funds are used effectively to benefit the community’s most vulnerable populations.

The stakeholder meeting slide deck can be viewed by clicking this link: HOME ARP Stakeholder Meeting.


The Harris County HOME-ARP program provided the community with an opportunity to comment on the Draft HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, budget, and recommended activities through a public hearing.

To ensure that residents had ample notice and the opportunity to provide feedback, a public notice was published in the Houston Chronicle and La Voz newspapers, and on the HCHCD website from March 7, 2022, through March 22, 2022, informing the community of the 15-day public comment period and public hearing. The notice was published in English and Spanish, adhering to applicable fair housing and civil rights requirements and procedures for effective communication and accessibility.

The virtual public hearing was held on March 21, 2022, at 10:00 A.M. through Teams. The hearing provided the community with the opportunity to express their opinions on the DRAFT HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, budget, and recommended activities.

The Harris County HOME-ARP program received valuable feedback from the community and was documented and public comments and responses were summarized in the plan and can be found in the appendix. The public hearing slide deck can be viewed at this link:

Harris County HOME ARP Allocation Plan Public Hearing 3.21.2022 

Harris County HOME-ARP Allocation Plan was approved by HUD on August 2022. The final plan can be viewed at this link:

Harris County HOME ARP Allocation Plan FINAL



For more information about the Harris County HOME-ARP Program, please contact Janeen Spates, Deputy Assistant Director, HCCSD  at: home_arp_comments@csd.hctx.net

For information about the HOME-ARP program, please see the HUD Exchange Website at: https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/home-arp/


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